A song for you
This song I composed in 2002 in India
expressed how I felt after a relationship
at that time
I didn't know
that relationship changed my life totally....
I always say thanks to him in my mind
a very short song...
I tried to longer it in these years...
never made it
so...i keep the original ....
I Never Told You
How much I Love You
I Never Told You
How Beautiful Your Smile
You Like An Angle
Fly into My Darkness
Bring Me the Happiness
Bring the Stars
Full of My World....

p.s. I came back to Pune next year, and also invited by the group leader to sing this song again in the        
                      night show.
     At that time, my mind changed, not only sorrow and pity left in the song.
     There were more power came up my mind.
    So....I changed the verse a little bit when I repeated it.

    I "want" to talk you
   How much I love you....

   All "never" changed to "want".
   That reflected my situation at that moment.
    I had the courage to say and pass the love that I originally have.
   Then, the existence heard it.
   He gave me a great gift.
   The new relationship accomplished all the little girls' dream then pop-up.
   What I learned and recieved were a lot, further than I expected.
   Thanks! My dearest existence!

    創作者 sahasi 的頭像

    SAHASI......the Courage of Inner Journey.

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